Download the presentation of our consumable products approved by SPII and CONTACT in PDF format.
Consumable product line
BB Technical Service provides four different range of products:
- SW: consumables selected by BB Technical Service and approved by Faiveley Transport Italy for applications on pneumatic parts. Download a PDF version of Faiveley approvals.
- SP: consumables selected by BB Technical Service and approved by SPII for applications on electromechanical components. Download a PDF version of SPII approvals.
- CP: consumables selected by BB Technical Service and approved by Production Group for applications on pantographs and train front-head.
- TS: multipurpose consumables selected and tested by BB Technical Service.
It is an alkaline detergent with PH 13 in 1% solution. Thanks to its
high percentage of surfactants, TS 663 can disaggregate carbonized
greases even if sedimented for a long time. It’s very effective with
both vegetal or animal fats. It is particularly indicated for the removal
ester greases employed on wheel flange lubricant systems. It is
suitable for RFI billboard cleaning. It also eliminates rust stains.
Usually employed on 10-20% vol. in water, better if warm. To be used
pure in worst cases. Do not use TS 663 with aluminum or its alloys.
Suitable also as dewaxer.
PACKAGES: Drum of 208 kgs - Drum of 65 kgs - Basket of 30 kg.
Further information
Suitable for degreasing process of mechanical components made of
steel, brass and aluminum even if covered with encrustations of different
nature. TS 664 contains specific additives to protect iron and
non-iron metals. Suitable also with high pressure washing systems.
It is specially indicated to wash vacuum pumps. Suggested volumes:
3-4%. PACKAGES: Drum 210 kgs. - Drum 65 kgs. - Basket 30 kgs.
Further information
This product has been formulated on the specific purpose to be employed
on high pressure hydro cleaners and/or Pulivapor. TS 668 is
an excellent degreaser on steel and iron and it doesn’t leave traces
also on aluminum and brass. It easily removes grease mixed with
dust and dirt of different nature and it also cleans cement. It is indicated
to clean rail equipments located under coach and it’s specially
appreciated in degreasing procedures of rail vehicles, trucks and
buses. PACKAGES: Drum 210 kgs. - Drum 65 kgs. - Basket 30 kgs.
Further information
It is a monoethylene glycol based fluid.When used pure, it provides
a protection against ebullition, freezing and corrosion. Suitable for
temperature up to - 40°. TS 940 contains optimized inhibitors which
ensure maximum anti corrosion protection both on high and low temperatures.
When employed with water cooled vacuum pumps, it drastically
reduces corrosions on cast iron and it prevents aluminum
radiators from degrading. PACKAGES: Basket 5 kgs.
Further information
It is a surfactants solution formulated on purpose for leakage revealing
to be used on pneumatic/air conditioning systems. Applied
with manual nebulizer on pipes and pneumatic components it allows
to locate small leakages.
PACKAGES: Drum 25 Kgs. - Bottle 1lt.
Further information
It’s a very efficient polyvalent product; It removes grease, it eliminates
the rust and phosphates the metallic surfaces. It eliminates every
trace of oxidation while it allows a good penetration, guarantying a
good protection film on the surfaces, that favorites painting and other
kind of treatments. It’s reliable on treated surfaces, it contains strong
components which protect the metal at the end of deoxidation phase.
It’s very cheap: 1 m3 of mixed liquid (the product has to be diluted in
water 5-20% in reason of the state of material to clean) is enough to
treat up to 100 m2 of surface to deoxidate. The product can be used
in automatic industrial equipment plants both with warm or cold
water. TS985 is the optimal product to remove limestone.
PACKAGES: Drum of 210 Kg - Drum of 60 Kg - Basket of 30 Kg.
Further information
It deeply cleans removing oil, grease, sludges, tar, paints and similars.
It doesn’t contain solvents and it takes care of the skin, returning
to the hands their natural smoothness. The abrasive agent
contained is spherical-shaped and smooth and therefore, prevents
from those microtraumas which cause erythemas. A little of Ambra
BB can clean even the dirtiest hands. Inner surfactants are more
than 90% biodegradable.
PACKAGES: Bottle 2 kgs. Boxes of 12 pcs.
Further information
BioTop 9498 è stato formulato per lubrificare gli scambi ferroviari
soggetti a forte escursioni termiche. Anche sotto condizioni
di elevata umidità BioTop 9498 aderisce alle superfici degli
scambi ed offre una eccellente protezione alla corrosione garantendo
performance elevate da -50°C a +80°C. BioTop 9498 può
essere applicato manualmente (spazzola) o spruzzato tramite sistema
di lubrificazione pressurizzato. BioTop 9498 è basato su di
un estere sintetico ed ispessente base calcio ed inoltre è biodegradabile
come da normativa CEC L-33-A-93 (> 85 %). Una selezione
di additivi altamente qualitativi conferisce al prodotto
notevoli proprietà antiusura ed antiattrito. Le caratteristiche di inibizione
alla ruggine ed ossidazione sono state potenziate e contribuiscono
ad una lunga durata del lubrificante.
CONFEZIONI: Secchia da 18 kg.
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È un olio chiaro fluidissimo con ottime proprietà per impieghi industriali,
automobilistici, nautici e domestici. È idrorepellente (dewatering)
e proprio per questa proprieta può essere applicato anche
su superfici bagnate. Sblocca viti, bulloni, perni, boccole, cerniere,
ecc. Protegge a medio termine da ruggine e corrosione attrezzi,
componenti ingegneristici e funi metalliche. Lubrifica e protegge da
corrosione serrature, bloccasterzi e cerniere, per le quali d'inverno
garantisce il funzionamento sino a -30°C con azione anticorrosiva
anche in presenza di sale. Sblocca e lubrifica molle a balestra.
Spiazza l'acqua da spinterogeni o contatti elettrici umidi. Elimina i
rumori dovuti ad attrito non lubrificato tra parti metalliche Protegge
e lubrifica catene di moto e cicli.
CONFEZIONI: Lattina da 5 lt. - Latta da 20 lt.
Further information
Developed by Reys SpA, this product is specific to remove from rail vehicles all the drawings made with
paint spray and marker. Tack Remover Mod is largely used in the
railway and tram maintenance yards. It’s safe for the operators and
thanks to its high viscosity it can be easily used on vertical surfaces
without dripping. It has been formulated for this drawing removal
purpose specifically on those rail vehicles decorated with
adhesive colored films. Tack Remover Mod doesn’t affect this film
and it can be used anytime without compromising shine. It is totally
safe with all kind of metals and it doesn’t affect glass.
PACKAGES: Basket of 10 kgs.
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